A unique and professional service based on the advice and assistance to members in labour issues related to the general work environment, including but not limited to:
Leave, abuse of and absenteeism, sick leave and incapacity, grievances, disciplinary matters, warnings, work performance and negligence, basic conditions of employment and the assistance in drafting / providing documents related hereto.
A member will have access to a consultant as and when required and a turnaround time of 24 hours to advise and assist the member is guaranteed
The service is available at R500-00 per month (VAT Inclusive), with a 2 month notice of cancellation period.
The service provider has been in operation since 1998. We specialize in matters related to Industrial Relations and Labour their website may be visited at https://www.salabourdynamics.co.za
This agreement with a debit order form, will have to be filled in and signed by the prospective client to access the SALD tele advise and documents assistance
The R500-00 is VAT inclusive
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